
Ishida Chiho SHOWROOM (2017.05.10)

Fans were confused about her shirt today; They asked if she wasn’t wearing something like this before, but in pink and grey, and she started laughing. She mentioned how she was shopping and saw the shirts and thought how cute they were. So she was standing there and had to decide which color she should buy, at the end she bought everyone of them. She has the shirt in 3 different colors now wwwww

And then another impoartant thing happened; Chiho was introducing her sign

She explained it; She starts with the C and moves along the wavy line, which is indeed; the Setouchi sea. Then there’s the hih under it. There’s no real explanation wwwww She then goes to the O which is there to be the sun. And of course at last; STU48.

It’s not only a cute sign, but with a really nice and admirable meaning. Her catchphrase and her sign has something to do with Setouchi now. She knows what to do as an STU48 member wwwww

Then she went on doing some requests, and one of the things were; Do a silly face. She tried but made herself laugh because she was so bad at it. But she promised us that she will do her best and work on it. The same goes to her wink. Though she started using a trick, in which she will close both eyes and only open one eye slowly again wwww

Some time through the stream she started to draw around, and the end result was her sign on her hand www

2017.05.10 SHOWROOM Part 1 & Part 2

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